
24-25-26 FABRIKA is a logical consequence of the progressive successful regeneration of the eastern part of the Baťa factory, whose production was stepped back and which is looking for a new use of its space.

We are currently successfully regenerating building No. 34 (the main centre of operations for CREAM Real Estate and the headquarters of many companies, not only from Zlín). The revitalization of building 12 (the regional headquarters of the Czech Police) has already been completed. Our property portfolio includes the well known building No. 21, for example (Baťa Tower – headquarters of the Zlín Region) and building No. 14-15, already forwarded to the state administration to allow for a smoother process of urban renewal. What was once a complex of factory buildings today serves many uses: government offices (buildings 12, 21, 22, 23, 14, 15), accommodation, the main post office (32), education and culture (02, 03, 04, 14, 15), offices (23, 32, 34), business support (23) and science(03, 04). The era of the Bata factory, once the heart of Zlin, has given way to a completely new one. Transport services are in the midst of significant improvement thanks to the construction of a new intersection at T. Baťa Avenue and J.A. Baťa Street (between buildings 51 to 61) and the newly relocated railway station building has already been issued a valid zoning permit.

CREAM Real Estate as a responsible owner and manager takes care of all its properties; as buildings 24, 25 and 26, however, are in a state that does not allow us to reconstruct them, we invited renowned architects CMC to draw up a usage study and design the new 24-25 -26 FABRIKA multifunctional centre.  The 24-25-26 FABRIKA project along with the new Zlín central station, together with its new parking capacity, enhances the locality which will attract both inhabitants of Zlín and people from the Zlín region. As a result, conversion of the eastern part of the area will be completed, which will ensure long-term sustainability and improve the use of this area. We are convinced that the cultural and educational projects already in place will greatly benefit from the effects of the entire revitalization.

The key to successful revitalization is a socially beneficial combination of functions.

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MAX32 - jedinečný koncept revitalizace

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