The territorial plan and urban concept are important qualities for the proper functioning of the city. Both over the years have gone through logical development with regard to utility and public benefit, including housing, culture and well-functioning administration as well as education, high-quality amenities and conditions for well-functioning trade and commerce.
All of these things are cornerstones for a successful, healthy and economically self-sufficient society. The role of urban design is to create functional and balanced residential units with an emphasis on ecological balance, sustainable development and respect for cultural heritage.
CREAM Real Estate respects Baťa’s legacy. This does not, however, consist in just the industrial design of his buildings - this was merely the carrier of function. We see his legacy in an ingenious philosophy of the coexistence of business and the lives of the inhabitants of Zlín, one that not only involves the contribution of commercial development, and all the benefits and amenities it brings, but has the ability to look forward, to see that buildings have to fulfil their role, and if they fail to, then revitalization must be carried out on dead areas. Our company is inspired by many successful revitalization projects such as the regeneration of London Docklands or London’s historic centre coupled with a modern Business City – Rotterdam, Berlin, Vienna’s Museum Quarter or Eindhoven – but also by renewals in Prague’s Holesovice and Smíchov districts and in its historical centre.
Zlín was never designed as a museum; the aim of the development was to build a dynamic and economically self-sufficient city of national importance.a dynamic and economically self-sufficient city of national importance.
Představujeme vám nový ambiciózní projekt společnosti CREAM Real Estate, revitalizaci budovy 32 areálu Baťovy továrny ve Zlíně. Rekonstrukce budovy byla navržena mezinárodně uznávaným ateliérem CMC architekti pod vedením Víta Másla, Davida Chisholma a Evžena Duba. Na spolupráci při vytváření programu se spolupodíleli také kreativci ze studia Graffitti Networks.
Budova je funkčně rozdělena na 5 částí:
Program v budově byl připraven a stvořen s akcentem na studenty a mladé inovativní lidi, u kterých cítíme svěží nápady a motivaci. Tento dům je navržen k tomu, aby se stal pulzujícím místem studentského kreativního života. Vrchní patra budou určena pro ubytovací loftové jednotky s industriálním šarmem, patra pod nimi budou poskytovat kancelářské prostory pro ty, kteří hledají místo pro své skvělé nápady. V přízemí budou obchodní jednotky, které lze propojit s prvním patrem.