
Baťa began the construction of the complex at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The speed with which the factories were erected demanded an organized structure and future urban development plan. Tomáš Baťa and architects headed by FL Gahura came up with a design inspired by similar urban grids, which originated in the rapidly evolving American agglomerations.

This was called the "Baťa grid". The designation of the building is composed of two digits: the first number indicates the location of the building in the direction from the eastern part of the area to the west and the second position in the transverse direction, i.e. from south to north.

The buildings in the growing area were built in several stages. Baťa's pragmatism was sharply inscribed in both the architecture, which Gočár described as "industrial design projects" designed with regard to their usability, and in its emphasis on the economy of the buildings. The Baťa factory complex has undergone several significant changes that are currently not very well known. For example, on the site of buildings 24 and 25 there stood a factory mono-block, which was replaced in the 1930s when it was no longer in use. In place of the current building 34 (1949) were buildings 34 and 35 in the original industrial design. The original building number 11, which goes beyond the Baťa grid and was built at a single angle, was torn down and a public parking lot built in its place.

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