
24-25-26 FABRIKA is a multifunctional centre that builds on the existing Baťa grid concept and the architecture of the surrounding industrial buildings. The new FABRIKA offers commercial, office and educational features, complemented by transport links and parking capacity. The latter aspects are thanks to the transfer of the Zlín central train station to a new building (16), part of the area’s revitalization, which also improves the attractiveness of this part of the factory complex.

The author of the new 24-25-26 FABRIKA is renowned Prague studio CMC architects, led by Vít Máslo and David Chisholm, whose implementation is highly regarded by the professional public and users of buildings alike.

“Baťa's legacy is not brick.”

The investor aims to replace the three existing dilapidated buildings 24, 25, 26 with new buildings and add other buildings. These new buildings are based on the existing module structures, which they fully respect. They will thus preserve the urban structure, which is essential. They will also match the colour scheme of the neighbouring buildings, while not imitating their predecessor architecturally, thus correctly admitting that they are contemporary works. The ground floor has been designed very successfully, which revives the locality,”said renowned Czech architect and architecture historian Ing. arch. Zdeněk Lukeš.

Historically the site used the factory mono-block, which was then repeated at the site of building 34. The new FABRIKA is based on the original character of the area of the 1920s; however, it cleverly divides it into 3 groups according to the grid. Here modern architecture meets the heritage of industrial building design on which it is based and which it further develops.

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MAX32 - jedinečný koncept revitalizace

Představujeme vám nový ambiciózní projekt společnosti CREAM Real Estate, revitalizaci budovy 32 areálu Baťovy továrny ve Zlíně. Rekonstrukce budovy byla navržena mezinárodně uznávaným ateliérem CMC architekti pod vedením Víta Másla, Davida Chisholma a Evžena Duba. Na spolupráci při vytváření programu se spolupodíleli také kreativci ze studia Graffitti Networks.

Budova je funkčně rozdělena na 5 částí:

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  • kancelářské prostory
  • obchody v přízemí
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Program v budově byl připraven a stvořen s akcentem na studenty a mladé inovativní lidi, u kterých cítíme svěží nápady a motivaci. Tento dům je navržen k tomu, aby se stal pulzujícím místem studentského kreativního života. Vrchní patra budou určena pro ubytovací loftové jednotky s industriálním šarmem, patra pod nimi budou poskytovat kancelářské prostory pro ty, kteří hledají místo pro své skvělé nápady. V přízemí budou obchodní jednotky, které lze propojit s prvním patrem.

compact view grid view
compact view grid view Photogallery